Thursday, August 24, 2017

FreeBitCo.In Tricks and Tips | Hacker 302 Inc. EMO Blogs | Chapter 3

Introduction to Bitcoin

A type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

To earn, receive, send or transfer Bitcoins, you need a wallet.
Recommended: Use Blockchain Bitcoin Wallet; benefited with a great security feature.
1 Bitcoin=$4000+
Easiest ways to earn Bitcoins (BTC); here are the ways:
1.   Earn Bitcoins by accepting them as a means of payment
2.   Earn free Bitcoins by completing tasks on websites
3.   Earn Bitcoins from interest payments
4.   Earn Bitcoins from mining
5.   Earn Bitcoins by getting tipped
6.   Earn Bitcoins through trading
7.   Earn Bitcoins as a regular income
8.   Earn Bitcoins from gambling - not suitable for everyone
Details will be in Chapter: 3

Earn Bitcoin Very Easily!
Hello guys, this is the most important and amazing chapter I am going to tell you.
This is really amazing!

Now Earn Bitcoin in just a click. I am giving you the website and you just have to Sign Up there and when it’s possible, you have to visit the site and just complete an easiest captcha (to make sure you are not using Bot) and to click on Roll button.
There may be many people who are aware of this and many of them are using and many of the users does not knows the tricks.
So, let’s start earning Bitcoin using very simplest method.
1.   Go to (Using the referral link will allows you to earn more, as unreferred user is just come from external site but using a reference, they will give you lifetime 8.8822% bonus. Also 3x Reward Points for lifetime).
2.   Use your Email address or your Bitcoin Wallet address to sign up.
3.   Now you are OK to get reward.
4.   Head towards FREE BTC and complete the security captcha and click on ROLL.
5.   Yuppie! You got some BTC.
Tricks to earn more, using FREE BTC:
Ok now the question is “How to earn more?”
It is my own story, it has been 1 day ago and I got 0.00005263 BTC. “But how? It gives only 0.00000045 to 0.00000055 BTC per hour”. So the question of this question, actually answer, is: “Did you saw the Lucky Numbers?”
I mentioned earlier, I started it 1 day ago, and what was happened, was Insane!

I open the website either on mobile, on desktop, on laptop (which one is available) and earn them. In this way, I was able to catch 0.00000720 BTC, if I open the website 16 times a day. But it is now confirmed, it was 7:25 PM and I opened the site on my mobile, clicked on the ROLL and I got Lucky Number: 9932 and I got 0.00000496 BTC. I had this 2 times. So, the main thing: USE IT 10-16 TIMES A DAY TO GET BENEFITTED FROM IT, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO EARN MONEY.


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